Jó helyen jársz! Figyelem, jelentős kedvezményekkel és a valósnak tűnő, de hamis honlappal károsítják meg csalók a Tisza Cipő vásárlóit az online térben. Nyomatékosan kérünk Titeket, hogy vásárlás előtt mindenképp győződjetek meg arról, hogy a www.tiszacipo.hu vagy www.tiszacipo.com honlapon tartózkodtok-e. Köszönettel, a Tisza cipő csapata
At the Astoria, in the downtown of Budapest, one can find our olders store. This is where our beloved hungarian brand started (re)conquering peoples hearts from. Due to the shops perfect location it is easily accessabe by both public transport or by car, or even on foot.
Our other Budapest-located store is taking place in the cavalcade of Westend City Center mass. The store is located at a very well frequented place, right next to the Nyugati Railway Station.
In the town of meetings, where the Raba, the Rabca, and the Mosoni branch of the Danube join together, you can find the name of another hungarian river, Tisza. Inside one of the well-frequented shop of the Árkád, one of Győr's biggest shopping centres you can find our store, which is the 'youngest' on the list of our stores in the country. One can find a wide range of choices of our cult shoes halfway between the two metropolis: Vienna and Budapest.
Paprika, Dome, Outdoor Plays, Tisza. That is Szeged! Our store in the sunny town of the South-Alföld satisfies every need of our beloved Tisza fans on the coast of the Blonde River.
Pécs is one of the oldest university towns in Hungary. According to this fact, our selection in the Pécs-located shop of ours is having older ones with cut prices along with the newest models.
One of the most popular holiday resorts in the country is the capital of the southern shore, the port city of lake Balaton: Siófok.
You can also find the most popular products of the Tisza brand by the Hungarian sea, in the downtown of Siófok.